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Indian Import Duty 25085022 : Customs Duty on Processed, other than calcined (washed or ground or screened or beneficiated)

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(Product level Indian HS Classification is based on HS Codes used in actual Shipment Data)

Import Duty Calculator of Processed, other than calcined (washed or ground or screened or beneficiated)
Formula Duty Rates (%) Duty Amount

Assessable Value — (A)

(CIF Value + 1% Landing Charge of CIF)


Basic Duty — (B)

(A) × Basic Duty Rate


Preferential Duty – (B)

(A) × Pref. Duty Rate


CVD Duty – (B)

(A) × CVD Rate


Special CVD – (B)

(A) × Spcl. CVD Rate


IGST: Additional Duty – (C)

(A + B) × IGST Rate


Central Excise Edu Cess – (D)

(C) × Central Excise Edu Cess rate


Customs Education Cess – (E)

(B + C + D) × Customs Edu. Cess rate


Social Welfare Surcharge – Special Duty – (F)

(A + B + C + D + E) × Social Welfare Surcharge


Total Custom Duty (B + C + D + E + F)
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