3901 |
Schedule Changes by Sec 88(b) of Finance Act 2019 w.e.f. 1 Jan 2020 by Ntfn 89-Cus-NT/10.12.2019.
[Tariff items 3901 10 10, 3901 40 00, 3901 90, 3901 90 10, 3901 90 90 substituted] |
w.e.f. 1 May 2022
BCD against all tariff items of heading 3901 the entry substituted by “7.5%”;
[Clause 98(b) of Finance Act 2022]
IGST on All goods in this heading by SNo 100 in Sch III of Ntfn 01-IGST/28.06.2017
Anti-dumping duty on Ethylene Vinyl Acetate (EVA) Sheet for Solar Module from China, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Thailand…15-ADD/29.03.2019] |
TRU Gives another No to Anti-Dumping Duty Recco on DGTR to LDPE from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, UAE and USA.
[TRU Office Memorandum F.No. CBIC-190354/211/2021-TRU Section-CBEC dated 6 June, 2022]