3908 |
Schedule Changes by Sec 88(b) of Finance Act 2019 w.e.f. 1 Jan 2020 by Ntfn 89-Cus-NT/10.12.2019.
[Tariff items 3908 10 10 to 3908 10 90 and 3908 90 to 3908 90 90 substituted] |
Basic Duty exemption Nylon chips falling under heading 3908 by SNo(273) in Ntfn 50-Customs/2017 dated 30.06.2017]
Budget 2021: BCD on Nylon chips is being reduced from 7.5% to 5% by amending the entry at S. No. 273 of notification No. 50/2017-Customs dated 30th June, 2017. [S. No. 28 of notification No. 02/2021-Customs dated 1st February, 2021 refers] |
IGST on All goods in this heading by SNo 100 in Sch III of Ntfn 01-IGST/28.06.2017