(1) Import of ‘Prescribed substances’ as notified by Department of Atomic Energyshall be subject to the provisions of Atomic Energy Act, 1962 and Rules made there under.
(2)Import of the Chemicals is allowed from State Parties and Non State Parties to the CWC subject to the condition that the importer shall, for each import consignment, within 30 days of import, notify the details to the National Authority, Chemical Weapons Convention, Cabinet Secretariat; Ministry of External Affairs (DandISA); Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals and the Directorate General of Foreign Trade and submit to the DGFT a copy of the bill of entry within 30 days of import.
(3) "A Prior Informed Consent (PIC) procedure as per the provisions of the Minamata Convention on mercury is to be obtained from the National Focal Point of Minamata Convention in the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) in case of import/export of mercury. Details of PIC procedure can be accessed from the website of MoEF&CC: http://moefgov.in/ (Divisions -> Environment Divisions-> Hazardous Substance Management Division -> Import/Export)"
[24/09.09.2021 – Condition No. (3) inserted]