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HS Code 0307 : List of Indian Custom Duty Notifications

Custom Duty Notifications
Heading Code
0307 w.e.f. 1 May 2023 - after tariff item 0307 43 30 the following inserted; “0307 43 90 --- Other kg. 30% -” [Clause 135(c) of Finance Act 2023]
w.e.f. 1 May 2022- BCD against tariff items 0307 32 00, 0307 43 20 the entry substituted by “15%” [Clause 98(b) of Finance Bill 2022]
HS2022 Changes in this heading w.e.f. 1 Jan 2022 by Finance Act, 2021.
Tariff Items 0307 39 90 to 0307 49 90 substituted by Finance Act 2016
IGST in this Heading
All goods, fresh or chilled by SNo(21) in Ntfn 02-IGST/28.06.2017
SNo(22) in Ntfn 02-IGST/28.06.2017
SNo (2) in Sch I of Ntfn 01-IGST/28.06.2017
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