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HS Code 2846 : List of Indian Custom Duty Notifications

Custom Duty Notifications
Heading Code
2846 w.e.f. 1 May 2022- BCD against all tariff items of heading 2846 the entry substituted by “7.5%” [Clause 98(b) of Finance Act 2022]
Exemption to 55 Critical Minerals [Compounds, inorganic or organic of rare earth metals at SNo. 39 of Ntfn 36/2024 dated 23.07.2024]
w.e.f. 1 May 2022- BCD against tariff item 2847 00 00 the entry substituted by “7.5%” [Clause 98(b) of Finance Act 2022]
IGST on Medicinal grade hydrogen peroxide in 2847 [SNo 58 in Sch II of Ntfn 01-IGST/28.06.2017]
Anti-dumping Duty on Hydrogen Peroxide from Bangladesh, Taiwan, Korea, Indonesia, Pak and Thai Notified by Ntfn 28-ADD/14.06.2017. See full text of Notification at Chapter end.
Heading 2848 and the entries Omitted by Finance Act 2016
Book A Demo Enquiry