Ministry of Commerce & Industry Government of India
New Delhi, Oct 2009
The Government of India and the Government of Nepal (hereinafter also referred to as the Contracting Parties).
KEEN to sustain the good neighbourliness through mutually beneficial measures at their common border which is free for movement of persons and goods.
Have agreed as follows:
The Contracting Parties, while recognizing that there is a long and open border between the two countries and there is free movement of persons and goods across the border and noting that they have the right to pursue independent foreign trade policies, agree that either of them would take all such measures as are necessary to ensure that the economic interests of the other party are not adversely affected through unauthorized trade between the two countries.
The Contracting Parties agree to co-operate effectively with each other, to prevent infringement and circumvention of the laws, rules and regulations of either country in regard to matters relating to Customs, Narcotics and Psychotropic Substances, Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade and shall for this purpose assist each other in such matters as consultation, enquiries and exchange of information with regard to matters concerning such infringement or circumvention.
Subject to such exception as may be mutually agreed upon, each Contracting Party shall prohibit re-exports to the territory of the other Contracting Party of goods imported from third countries without manufacturing activity.
However, the above shall not be applicable in case of the export of Nepalese goods into India under the procedure set out in Protocol V to the Treaty of Trade between Government of Nepal and the Government of India.
There will be no restriction on re-export from the territory of a Contracting Party to third countries of the goods imported from the other Contracting Party without manufacturing activity in the Contracting Party. 3
Each Contracting Party will;
The Contracting Parties shall compile and exchange with each other statistical and other information relating to unauthorized trade across the common border. They also agree to exchange with each other regularly the lists of goods the import and export of which are prohibited, or restricted or subject to control according to their respective laws and regulations.
The respective heads of the Border Customs Offices of each country shall meet regularly with his counterpart of appropriate status at least once in two months alternately across the common border:
In order to facilitate effective and harmonious implementation of this Agreement, the Contracting Parties shall consult each other regularly.
Done in duplicate in Hindi, Nepali and English languages, all the texts being equally authentic, at Kathmandu on 27th October, 2009. In case of doubt, the English text will prevail.
(Anand Sharma) Commerce and Industry Minister | (Rejendra Mahta) Minister of Commerce and Supplies |